5 little known secrets about organic cotton

5 little known secrets about organic cotton
Everyone wants to live in a better world. Cleaner air, fewer emissions and most of all less extensive production. We are no different from you. We, at Suay believe that we can give our contribution to the planet by changing the way we conduct business.

Let me explain... 

As you know, since the beginning of our brand we worked hard to build the most sustainable brand we could. We use non-chemical ink for our prints and we banned the use of plastic for our packaging. Find out here how do we print the designs on the shirts. But we wanted more. 
So we decided to take the last step towards a complete renewal of our brand.
We are now on our way to be 100% sustainable.
We have a goal in mind... to use organic cotton over conventional cotton. By now you might be asking yourself:

"What are the main differences between organic cotton and the conventional one?" 

Well, there are tons of different arguments that prove that organic cotton is a better way to crop cotton. In this post, we want to talk about the 5 most important reasons in our opinion. So here they are: 
  • Water consume: To produce 1 cotton t-shirt we use  2168 gallons of water while organic cotton consumes just 168 gallons of water per t-shirt. This means 10000 gallons for just 1 kilo of normal cotton. 

Pretty expensive for our environment right? 

  • CO2 emission: organic cotton produces half of the C02 that conventional cotton does. This gives you a better quality of oxygen and less risk of lung infections. 
  • Rough working conditions: the heavy use of pesticides (the cotton crop alone counts for 26% of the world use pesticides) puts workers and their family at risk. In India alone, the production of cotton amounts to 80% of the total crop. Can you imagine how hard is it to breathe clean air there.Organic cotton instead uses a system that doesn’t need pesticides giving security to workers  plus with no damage whatsoever for the soil. 
  • Manufacturing process: conventional cotton uses dangerous chemicals like chlorine, acephate and fuel scraps to create clothes. These materials can cause dermatitis and in the worst scenarios even cancer. Organic cotton production simply doesn’t. The making process, followed by experienced farmers, focuses on quality over quantity. By giving more time to the soil they assure that the field remains fertile to give you the best cotton possible.

 What would you prefer? a rash and an infection?


Hypoallergenic cotton that feels smoother and softer when you wear it? 

I bet that I know your answer to this one.
and last but not least... 
  • Climate change impact: Organic cotton production reduce global warming of 46% compared to cotton. (source This stats alone is huge, by changing one simple garment we could help the planet, cool right? 
We could’ve written 10 more stats about why is so important to make our part and move towards a greener business, but we think that if you're reading this you were already in for the change that's happening.
So by making this massive change we wanted to change direction and go in the opposite way of mainstream brands that have just profit in mind .
Instead, we decided that even if our profits we’ll be lower we need to act now and do our part for our environment.
Alone we can't make any difference but together we’re unstoppable.
Article written by Pierluig,
Find out his IG page here

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